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Driving Voter Turnout Among Young Women and Women of Color in Florida


Women Vote Florida

The Challenge

Facing low voter turnout among young women and women of color in Florida, GAROI Media was tasked with mobilizing this demographic for the 2020 election. To heighten voting and political engagement in 20 designated counties, Women Vote Florida, a campaign facilitated by a coalition of progressive women and nonprofit organizations, partnered with GAROI Media to overcome the challenges posed by voter disengagement and misinformation. This required extensive media outreach and a well-planned, strategic digital media campaign.

Media Services Provided

Programmatic Display

Programmatic Video

Paid Social Media

Media Relations

Our Approach

GAROI Media, in strategic partnership with Women Vote Florida, developed an integrated media and messaging campaign utilizing geo-targeted advertising and tailored to the unique concerns and communication channels of young women and women of color in Florida. We highlighted compelling narratives and influential community voices to contextualize the 2020 election within wider societal and policy discussions. Leveraging key events and electoral milestones, we crafted a consistent series of local and national engagements to maintain public attention on the importance of voter mobilization and participation.

Return on Investment

Despite the challenges of a saturated media environment, GAROI Media, in partnership with Women Vote Florida, successfully broadcasted the importance of the voter mobilization campaign to a wide audience, leading to significant exposure across various platforms. The strategic use of targeted media and public relations efforts resulted in substantial digital engagement, including 8.5 million impressions and a click-through rate that significantly outperformed industry standards. Although the immediate goal was to increase voter turnout among young women and women of color in Florida for the 2020 election, the campaign’s broader impact lay in its contribution to a sustained dialogue on civic participation and the empowerment of historically underrepresented communities.

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